Tuesday 12 June 2012

Mum's Cauliflower

Tonight we're having cauliflower the way my mum used to make it. Yum! Briefly blanch cauliflower rosettes in some water with a pinch of salt (5 mins max). Take out, drain and put in oven dish. Sprinkle some mild curry powder over it and cover with sliced or grated mature cheese (cheddar, Gouda). I find it easier to use sliced as it covers the cauliflower better.
Put in 180 degrees C oven until the cheese has melted, starts to bubble/colour, say 15-20 mins.

Lovely as a side dish to most meats, firm white fish, potatoes (sauteed, mash, roadted), quinoa, wholegrain rice, etc, etc.


X Bee

1 comment:

  1. We are going to have mum's cauliflower with plain brown rice and (bought!) vegetarian cheese burgers! Enjoy your meal everyone and have a lovely evening.

    X Bee
